I value Michael's will to be as on-theme as possible, but I had to add in some instants, sorceries, and planeswalkers for my version of the deck. Apart from his commander, there are only three card types in his deck: lands, artifacts, and enchantments. When looking at Michael's deck from a thematic lens, you can tell he was very interested in his enchantment theme. Lower mana curves help a deck function so much better in the long run. This means that there won't be a lot of cards rotting in your hand, since, in a pinch, you should be able to hard-cast most of them. Surprisingly, Michael's deck had a pretty good CMC, 3.22, which is pretty tight, especially for a deck that wants to cheat out permanents.

This gives us a less explosive deck, but it also allows us to accrue a lot of incremental advantage over time. The deck can also function well with or without Elsha on the field. Elsha, on the other hand, plays a much slower game with more reasonably costed cards, allowing us to cast spells off the top of our deck as though they had flash at any point in time, rather than only after she's attacked, in exchange for having us pay their mana costs, instead of the spells being free. This makes Narset the hinge on which the entire deck turns she's necessary for it to function.

Narset facilitates a strategy where we want to go all-in on big, splashy, powerful spells, since, on attack, we can cast up to four of them for free.